Sunday, August 26, 2007

If You Own More Than ONE Diet Book...

...they obviously DON'T work--you're smart enough to have gotten it the FIRST time!

I've tried it all--along with the rest of world! No sainthood for me! My conscious self would say, "I'm not hungry right now." Instantly, what I call my "inner brat" would pitch a fit to beat all fits! The tantrum in my head could only be quieted when given the food 'she' demanded.

I used all the tricks. Small plate, high nutrition, willpower, you name it, I was fully on board. Still, everything related to food was a fight--and not the fun type that got me ejected from the High School cafeteria!

What was going on? I had friends who were 'naturally' thin. They loved food and it loved them back. Sometimes they'd eat a lot; sometimes they'd eat a little. On balance, they'd eat what they wanted, when they wanted and how much they wanted. Why couldn't I?

Simple answer: Our 'primal programs' trump our conscious decisions.

Like a computer, our brains have two working components: the conscious 'screen' and the subconscious 'mother board programs.' My key strokes affect the computer directly and I feel 'in control.'

Am I in control of my computer screen? Sorta! And NOT ON YOUR LIFE! If this machine did not have a myriad of control 'programs' responding to my prompts--well you get it.

Likewise, my subconscious is marvelously set up to keep me running! When it needs fuel (or comfort) it works to make 'me' respond. I attempt to respond using my 'screen' frontal lobe and pick the right food choices for me.

Based on early programing, I may be at ease with food or at war. I can struggle to overcome the 'force' but in the end, the 'program' wins. Yo-yo anybody????

As a helpless infant, my overriding instinct was that "If my needs (for food, water, warmth...) are not met, I will DIE!" This 'primal' instinct served me well as I 'demanded' attention when I became aware of hunger, thirst or other discomforts.

Whether intended or not, delayed response (possibly even ONCE) to my earliest needs permanently set the primal program so that even as an adult I respond to the 'truth' that "After this meal, you will starve." I 'know' the illogic of my drive but I am powerless to maintain a lifelong fight against it. Now I add 'failure' to my databanks.

Naturally thin people have NO primal override. They have grown up mind-body conversations about their hunger.

Dieting fails because the anxiety caused from denying your primal, tantrum-throwing brat is HIGHER than the anxiety caused from overeating. Internal programs win over conscious desires. End of story--or is it?

What if you could remove the inner-brat, primal command and leave yourself free to actually choose? Now you can!

Emotional Freedom Technique uses acupressure to do just that! In less than one hour you can remove the primal program and forever move food from your Enemy list to the top of your Friends list!

Here's what happened for me: My new directive--I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want and as much as I want. There are NO off-limit foods or set limits to my 'wants.' There is no measuring and no 'plan.'

Since I am in awe of the wonder of my body and how it works, I logically wish to give it what it needs to be healthy. This is not a struggle but natural.

As I eat, I check in with the question, "Do I want this?" If the answer is yes, I have it! If not, I leave it. It's AMAZING to have this relationship with food. I am amazed when I 'hear,' "Not now" and feel no inner-brat tantrum. All is quiet in my subconscious so my body can say yes or no at will and I provide exactly what it wants at the time! AMAZING!

Actual experiences:

I stand next to the buffet and do not eat unless I want food. No picking at munchies. Remember! I can if I want to, I just don't want to! AMAZING!

For the first time in my life I leave a bowl of candy bars on the kitchen counter and I only have one when I want one. Surprisingly, it's very seldom! Remember, I never say NO to my desire for anything. I also do not eat without desire! AMAZING!

I leave food uneaten on my plate and feel no anxiety!

Following dinner, I attended a committee meeting where more WONDERFUL food was served. (I had gotten the food email late!) I stood in front of the beautiful spread and gave my mind/body permission to have ANYTHING I wanted. My body was in agreement that the food looked REALLY delicious and if hungry would REALLY have enjoyed it but no, "We're full."

Forgive me for my multiple 'personalities' but this is a conversation among friends! My Mind, my Body and my Ego to which they both talk freely--make 'we!' This freedom is so new (2 months) that I am completely aware of the ongoing grown up conversations!

What an AMAZING space to live in! So peaceful and quiet. Food is my friend. There are times I go to food after a stressful day because nothing comforts like food. Food happily comforts me and I only eat what I need to reduce the anxiety of the day! It's NEVER too much! No guilt, no shame!

To those who learned the protocol at the meeting August 23, please blog about your experiences. If the primal directive was not entirely removed, just repeat the procedure for yourself! Or call me!

We are loved and loving! We are one with food and the joy it brings us!!

Did I mention the word AMAZING??????

Thursday, June 28, 2007

WOW! What a Meeting!

The Celebration! Team breakfast today was an outstanding success--for ME!!! What I need to know about mastering the web is legion!

What about you? If you enjoyed learning how to better use our Celebration! Team site as well as your business website, it's time to practice!

Thank you Debra Simpson, Magic in Words, MagicInWords, for your amazing ability to shorten our learning curve! Thank you for bringing us closer to joining the 2.0 world!

Thank you also for the key to getting our URL to actively link back to our sites!

Okay, Team Members! Strut your stuff! Click on 'comments' and 1) leave a message about something today's meeting helped/will help you accomplish then 2) include a message about your passion for your business. Add your URL--live--as Debra directed! Keep that formula close as you will want to use it over and over in the years ahead!

Work it! Work it! Work it! That's what the team is for!

Start here! NOW!!!!!! Comment!

Claudia Jean, Queen of Self-Esteem (Ask me what that's all about!!!)

Monday, June 11, 2007

It's ALL about YOU! It's ALL about ME!

Hello again, Celebrants!

Could you make better use your web presence to create impact!???? You habitually visit other websites to gain information about people you are about to (or wish to) meet. What is your site saying about you? Does it create a clear portrait of your services and personality? Does it invite easy response?

If so, we NEED you at the next meeting to show the rest of us how you do it!

If your site is less revealing or professional than you'd prefer, our June 28th meeting is a must! Share ideas and meet people who can help bring you up to speed, quickly and at a fair cost!

To everyone who has a laptop--bring them!

We will visit multiple websites to see what works to created interest and brand.

Let me be the first to say, "I NEED help!" If you do too, be assured that this a total 'NO SHAME' event! To all of you who LOVE creating web-power, BE THERE for us June 28th! !

If you haven't RSVP'd for the event do it now!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

You Won't Believe What Happened at Vons!

Then again, maybe you will!

Thanks to great feedback from our last 3-Day Challenge to be a bit more Green, I learned that I could find the permanent grocery bags I was look for at Vons. My husband Terry and I shop at Vons every week and I was shocked to find out that they offer exactly what I needed for only $0.99! Perfect!

Except why had I never seen them before??????

I asked a checker to please help me find them and they were tucked on a bottom self under a corner food display. Why aren't they displayed near the checkout????? Paper, plastic or permanent?????? How easy would that be???

The checkers and I discussed the incongruity of 'hiding' the bags. Afterall, not using the plastic saves Vons money AND I am assuming that there are a few cents profit in the permanent bags also! Win Win for the Company and the environment. And Win for those of us willing to do the little extra it takes to keep our corner of the world a little healthier!

It got better! You see, each of the lightweight, black cloth bags was individually wrapped in a cellophane bag! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??????

I hand it to the main checker who said, "I am assuming that you DO NOT want me to put these in a bag for you!" So we ended the exchange with a laugh and the understanding that we all have a long, long, long way to go before Green makes its way into full engagement.

Be part of the solution! Add you comments and stories! Inspire the world to guard its wealth! When you do, your wealth is protected too. Bonus!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

3-Day Challenge for the Planet

What simple things do you do to protect our beautiful way of life here in San Diego? I selfishly want my grandchildren to enjoy the beauty of our area so I am personally looking for ways to create a smaller bio-polluting footprint.

Do you already take steps to reduce your use of nonrenewable resources? Please 'Comment' and list even the smallest effort for those of us who may not have thought of it!

Challenge: During the next three days, find one more small way that you can commit to extend the life of our planet. 'Comment' again with your commitment. We wealth builders are willing to do more if we just know what that might be! Your idea may be exactly what we are looking for!

My personal commitment is to buy canvas grocery bags this week so that I no longer use the ubiquitous 'plastic.' I invite you to do the same! Since I love to measure my usage on a yearly basis, I predict that I will 'save' 400 bags a year at 5 cents cost to produce = $20.00. The savings to landfill issues may seem small but multiplied by all of us becomes a serious savings for the planet.

It could be argued that that doesn't save ME money as I have to purchase canvas bags and I don't pay for the plastic I use now but I would rather the 5 cents stay in the grocer's till than the landfill! I support lowering the costs of all businesses I use. Building wealth is about more than my bank account, it's about being aware of how others create wealth too! Support the 'concept' of wealth in all areas of your life and your share manifests!

In reality I now need to know where to find the best price on big canvas bags! Anyone????

One small step... The Secret???? Wealth is nothing more than a series of small steps!

If it kills bugs... can kill you!

Be very careful in your 'war' against the creepy crawlies of nature. I noted some time ago that when I took my daily early morning sun 'bath' to up my vitamin D production, there was very little movement in the area under my lounge. Where were the ants and sowbugs etc that would entertain me while lying on my tummy?

A warning bell went off. If the bugs were all dead, my cells were being blasted with chemicals too. I called the San Diego Extension office and spoke with a 'bug' specialist. He agreed with my assessment that my yard was too dead to the natural comings and goings of the wee guys.

I, like many of my neighbors were signed up with a 'Pest Control' company who came and sprayed EVERY MONTH. Their contract worked really well for their cash flow but San Diego does not require that kind of KILL to maintain human supremacy. I canceled the service IMMEDIATELY!

That was almost a year ago. I now have some movement in my garden. IF the house is invaded (so far no problem), I will order a localized 'cleansing' but I feel good inviting the bugs and ants to share my outdoor living space! If my bugs are healthy, there's a good chance I've living more healthy too!

Live with nature or die with nature. It's a choice...

...the right choice even saves you $500/yr! And you know how we feel about building wealth!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Celebrate! the Wealth of Others Daily ~ Replace Envy with Joy

There are only two types of wealthy people.

1) Those who see opportunity, live in gratitude for their abundance and share their excess
2) Those who likewise see opportunity but create wealth not in gratitude but as cover for their sense of victimization. Because they live in fear, envy and greed manifest. Wealth does not repair a broken sense of self. Like 'victims' in all walks of life, these wealthy individuals may lie, cheat and steal to get more for themselves at the expense of their family, friends and employees.

Interestingly enough, being a #1 or a #2 has no relationship to absolute net worth or cash flow. It has to do with the heart.

Be wary of the blanket dismissal of great wealth as being somehow evil. It is not. In the right hands, wealth is a great force for good.

Frankly, focusing on greedy individuals who tend to make the news and businesses who burn their employees (eg. Enron) are the exception, not the rule. Many wealthy people are generous to a fault. Use then as your standard. The problem is that greed makes headlines, charity makes a footnote. Read the little stories and you will find the big news!

For instance, look at the life of Bill Gates vs. Ellison (11th wealthiest American) with regard to how they have lived their lives and what they give back. Bill Gates married without a pre-nup (more daring than I) and has stepped down from Microsoft to run the humanitarian side of his business. Can you find Microsoft detractors?--sure. What I know to be true is that my daughter worked for Microsoft for several years and the corporate culture supported the best interests of the employees. Perfect corporation? No--human. But for the size and scope--nearly as perfect and limber as any corporation in history.

I won't discuss the specific differences for Ellison except to have you check out how many times he has been married and his well-documented personal reputation. A great money maker but at what cost? I also have a friend whose company was bought up by Ellison and the change in corporate climate was like a death in the family. She was prepared for change but not at the cost of her soul.

Look to the good, the good comes to you. Celebrate! great stewardship of wealth well shared--suddenly you have more to share. Isn't that the goal? To have a bit more than enough? Who do you want to emulate as this happens?

Challenge: Start listening and looking for the generosity and great hearts of those with immense wealth. Celebrate! that good comes to those who share and good will come to you. Please post the stories of shared wealth that you see, read or hear about. I have a long list but will leave it for you to find for now!

I usually offer 3-Day Challenges but this challenge is too important for the REST of your life! Be mentored into stewardship starting TODAY!!!

Celebrate! Wealth!