Sunday, April 15, 2007

Celebrate! the Wealth of Others Daily ~ Replace Envy with Joy

There are only two types of wealthy people.

1) Those who see opportunity, live in gratitude for their abundance and share their excess
2) Those who likewise see opportunity but create wealth not in gratitude but as cover for their sense of victimization. Because they live in fear, envy and greed manifest. Wealth does not repair a broken sense of self. Like 'victims' in all walks of life, these wealthy individuals may lie, cheat and steal to get more for themselves at the expense of their family, friends and employees.

Interestingly enough, being a #1 or a #2 has no relationship to absolute net worth or cash flow. It has to do with the heart.

Be wary of the blanket dismissal of great wealth as being somehow evil. It is not. In the right hands, wealth is a great force for good.

Frankly, focusing on greedy individuals who tend to make the news and businesses who burn their employees (eg. Enron) are the exception, not the rule. Many wealthy people are generous to a fault. Use then as your standard. The problem is that greed makes headlines, charity makes a footnote. Read the little stories and you will find the big news!

For instance, look at the life of Bill Gates vs. Ellison (11th wealthiest American) with regard to how they have lived their lives and what they give back. Bill Gates married without a pre-nup (more daring than I) and has stepped down from Microsoft to run the humanitarian side of his business. Can you find Microsoft detractors?--sure. What I know to be true is that my daughter worked for Microsoft for several years and the corporate culture supported the best interests of the employees. Perfect corporation? No--human. But for the size and scope--nearly as perfect and limber as any corporation in history.

I won't discuss the specific differences for Ellison except to have you check out how many times he has been married and his well-documented personal reputation. A great money maker but at what cost? I also have a friend whose company was bought up by Ellison and the change in corporate climate was like a death in the family. She was prepared for change but not at the cost of her soul.

Look to the good, the good comes to you. Celebrate! great stewardship of wealth well shared--suddenly you have more to share. Isn't that the goal? To have a bit more than enough? Who do you want to emulate as this happens?

Challenge: Start listening and looking for the generosity and great hearts of those with immense wealth. Celebrate! that good comes to those who share and good will come to you. Please post the stories of shared wealth that you see, read or hear about. I have a long list but will leave it for you to find for now!

I usually offer 3-Day Challenges but this challenge is too important for the REST of your life! Be mentored into stewardship starting TODAY!!!

Celebrate! Wealth!

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Celebration! Breakfast Panel

Meet the coolest people on the plant--our panel for April 26!

Lance Ware, Patricia Farrell and Greg Clowminser will lead a lively discussion about the MIND and how they each bring their passion for healthy self-love to those in search! These are no stick-in-the-mud presenters! You'll be energized by their information and demonstrations.

How do I know these three totally rock? Because each in their own time and own discipline have given me immeasurable insights and opened my life to immense joy. I recommend them with unfettered abandon. I promise you'll leave this meeting with the latest tools available to repair issues that keep you from the fullness of being who you were born to be. (If you don't already know you are meant for greatness, you really need to be at this event!)

A cut finger isn't healed by analyzing it! The cut heals itself! The mind, likewise, heals itself! It is simply waiting to be released from the lies you were told as a youngster. Lies such as: you're too fat, too homely, too poor, too short, too stupid, too anything that meant you weren't good enough just as you were. Shed the lies, step into your truth! This panel lives for the truth in themselves first and then in support of their fellow travelers!

Who you are, just as you are, is ALL you need to be. Learn how your mind can shed the lies and bring you to 'be.' Come to the truth of your individual importance and wealth comes to you--and BONUS!--you'll know that you deserve it!

This isn't magic but it will feel like it!

As an added bonus, Chris Bartsch and Michele Dixon, our organizing gurus will share a few thoughts on how their passion for organization helps clear more than your space, it clears your MIND! Clear minds experience gratitude.

Wealth is yours! What circles we weave!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

3-Day Challenge April--Week Two

To Wealth Builders One and All !!!! Body - Mind- SPIRIT and Business

SPIRIT! What exactly is SPIRIT?

SPIRIT is you--on purpose! When you know and claim your special and unique place and space in the world, you are in SPIRIT.

How do you know when you are in your SPIRIT? Try this simple test:

During the next 3 days explore your core! What exactly do you Celebrate! about you?

First, draw a square. Next, draw a circle within the square. This represents you and your business.

The square represents all the things you are 'able' to do. The circle represents what it is that you LOVE to do! What piece of your total business do you do first? or use to escape the parts you don't like? Put another way, what, in a perfect world, would you do--even if no money was involved?

As you define the passion that drives you, you move closer to your purpose and your CORE EXCELLENCE (represented by the circle). When your core is 60% or more of your business, you find peace and purpose within your drive to create. You find happiness in the marriage of your CORE EXCELLENCE and finding the portion of the public that needs what you offer. (Think 'marketing') When you are in your core, you are naturally excited and want to talk about it!

Increase that core to 70 or 80% and you are attracting wealth toward you with such joy that being paid seems almost redundant!

The portion of the square outside the circle represents all the things you can do but prefer not to do. Every business has a down side but when you hire others to fulfill those functions while you continue in your excellence, wealth expands in every direction.

So, for the next 3 days, keep the 'circle within the square' diagram near your work area and really listen/watch for your core passion.

Then--report back to this message! Be prepared to share this knowledge of self at the April 26 meeting!

As we find our own excellence and Celebrate! the excellence of those around us, the door to true wealth opens wide.

SPIRIT! Now that's something to CELEBRATE!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

3-Day Challenge for April/ Week One!

Create wealth of MIND and financial wealth follows!

Keep it simple with big results? Absolutely!

Assignment: Pick any three days in a row and start your day with the following exercise. (You may want total privacy for this--it depends on your level of ability to endure perplexed staring!)

Using one hand on a chairback for balance, jump lightly up and down while vocalizing Ha! Ha! Ha! Continue for at least one minute, two if you're relatively fit and three if a marathoner!

Several things are happening to your system to prepare for the stress of the day ahead:

1) Laughing--even fake--produces endorphins and heightens positive expectations.
2) Increased blood flow to your brain supports clear thinking.
3) As an added bonus, jumping moves the toxins in your lymph system to the proper dumping station! Clear body means clear mind.

Repeat several times throughout the day and you will see your productivity and ability to solve problems increase exponentially.

Reply to this blog with questions and input. Include your full name AND the full name of your business in your answer. The Celebration! Team is using blogs to create the viral wealth of web presence! Try the three day challenge and check in again. Win Win Win!